D Black narrates how Dr UN scammed him with fake UN-Kofi Annan award


Desmond Blackmore, otherwise known as D Black says he suspected that the UN-Kofi Annan awards were fake but he failed to trust the signs and his instincts.

Recounting his feelings in a series of tweets after some social media users started trolling him and his other colleagues, the Businessman and Musician stated that as new pictures of him and his colleague awardees keep popping up on social media, he gets amusement.

He said: “The ‘event’ nu sef as me and Sark sit down noor, the mc gbaaa 3 times noor wey I look Sark start shake my head. Like 30 mins after we arrived, The Mc tell the Band, ‘pls play another music’s for them’. Musics paaa o, musics lol. The band too responded ‘Ooooooh ah’! dem tire. Dere nooor we start to laugh. We shud have left at that point.”

D Black indicated that he should have left after several weird signs unfolded.

“Then Sark got his award, and I wasn’t really watching or following proceedings after that. I was on my phone after I clapped. Then he returned with the golden cup. I said to myself hmmm A cup? I should have left then and there.

He continued: “I told my @iamfadicharles bro we leave in 15 mins, I can’t take this rubbish any more. There noor this man came from nowhere and took the mic from the MC and started MCing the ‘event’. The man talk aaa talk say ‘back when I was in Harvard’. I should have left then and there lol,” his tweet read.

D Black added that he had told his boys after Sarkodie had returned with his golden cup that they should leave the event grounds but immediately they decided to leave the awards show, then his name was mentioned. So, he walked majestically to the podium and received his UN-Kofi Annan ‘plaque’ which is still in his car booth.

“The man said oh yes great man ‘I like ur name’. Then he said oh say something 'plis'. I was getting annoyed tho. So, I said samtin. Then he said Blackmore, lovely name where’s ur name from? Very stupid question. With saliva coming for the side of his mouth on top. I knew something was wrong. I should have left then and there lol.”


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